Carly Spagnuolo – Drama

Over the past year, the BHS Drama club has had a rough time making do with the changes caused by the pandemic, but most of them were able to rise above it to put on a great show, She Kills Monsters. It is important to recognize their success amongst the pandemic as well as the effort of each cast member who made it all possible. , who played the main character Agnes Events in the play has been in Drama since her freshman year. Throughout the years she has worked tirelessly to fundraise for the drama department and practice to get the role she had.
When asked what her favorite part of the club was, she replied, “The best part was the close knit group we had, and the moments where we got lost in the parts together.” The group is very close and supportive of each other, but still extremely welcoming to new members. So when asked what the best piece of advice for incoming freshmen was, she said, “The most important thing is to put in the work, and remember your lines, but don’t forget to have fun.”
While Carly has seen much excitement and success in BeDrama, her future is also bound to be exciting. Carly plans to continue on to Loyola University in Chicago, and is currently uncommitted to a major. Spagnuolo is looking forward to the next four years of college and currently does not have plans to continue on with Drama. However, she said “if the opportunity is there, I want to take it”.
Certainly the BeDrama team will be sad to no longer have Carly with them, but they are undoubtedly excited to see what comes next for her, and hopefully, she can kill any monsters that try to stop her.

Hi Everybody! My name is Conner McClarren and this is my first year on staff. I was really excited to join this year because I love to write about things...