GLOW-CO Homecoming Dance Lightens Up School Year

Homecoming 2021

On October 2nd, BHS hosted their first homecoming dance in two years. Homecoming 2021 was one for books even with all of the adjustments that were made to accommodate COVID-19 precautions. BHS student leadership put a lot of effort into making this homecoming amazing for students, and they did not disappoint.
According to student leadership coordinator, Stefanie Coburn, the hardest part of planning this year’s homecoming was adjusting all of the festivities to be able to have it outside. For example, the dance floor, the tents, activities and food all had to be set up outside. The students in student leadership also put lots of effort into creating the theme for this year, and after some creative brainstorming, they came up with the amazing theme of GLOW-CO. Bright lights, glow sticks, black lights, and more made the dance floor fabulously glow.

Senior Jack Hubbard, a member of student leadership, said, “One thing I loved about this year’s dance was that so many more people were involved and being able to see everyone together again.” Since it has been so long since schools have been able to have everyone together in one place, namely for a school dance, a lot of people shared in Hubbard’s delight at experiencing this again for the first time.
In response to the requirement to have the dance outside, Junior Sophia Dawkins, another member of student leadership, said, “I would rather that we had it inside due to the weather since this year it was rainy and muggy. And in other years, we didn’t have to worry about weather if we were inside.”
Alana White, a freshman in the class, strongly agreed with this statement and wished it hadn’t been as rainy and gloomy outside.
All in all students were happy that the student leadership team works so hard in making the decisions for our school, so that we are able to make our years here at BHS the best years possible.