So You Want My Job: Gavin Boundy
This article is part of an ongoing series here at The Spectator called, “So You Want My Job.” In these articles, we take a look at high schoolers with part-time jobs, to give others an understanding of their roles and why they should work where they work.
Ever dreamed of working in a place with top notch groceries? Senior Gavin Boundy works at Westborn market, located on Woodward in Berkley. With his outgoing and efficient personality, it’s the perfect job for him.
Tell us about yourself.
I was born and raised in Berkley, and I am a part of the Westborn grocery department. I have been an associate there since February 2021, so going on two years.
How’d you get this job and what is your position?
I have been going to Westborn since as long as I can remember, and my buddy got a job there well before me. I had been wanting a job and thought it was a great opportunity to work not only at a familiar place but alongside a friend. I interviewed, got the job and stated that same week. I stock the shelves with groceries and whenever necessary, I assist customers with whatever they need.
Tell us about your position working here, what does your typical day look like from start to finish?
When I get to work the very first thing I do is clock in, then I find my manager or check the whiteboard to know what my assignments are for the day. These range from stocking fresh shipments of product to mopping floors to sitting in a freezer for hours on end. After I finish my tasks, I start my two hour closing checklist to ensure the store is in pristine condition for the next day’s customers, or, alternatively, I help my coworkers with their tasks until closing time.
What is your work/life balance like in your career?
On average I work four days a week or about twenty-two hours, I generally elect to work only three days during the week and then Saturdays so that I have a bit of time to hang out with my friends and enough to get my school work done. But this is often too little; so, on occasion, I take a Saturday off, so I can have an entire weekend for myself. I work from four-nine (sometimes even later) on weekdays and then any 8 hour shift they want from me on Saturday. I always take Friday and Sunday off so that I have two guaranteed days a week for relaxing.
What is the best thing about your job?
By far the best part of my job is the friendships I have made not only with all my coworkers, but even just random people who come into the store. Nine times out of ten my friends from work are people who don’t go to our school. There is no way I would have been able to make these connections without working at westborn
What is the most challenging thing?
The most important thing is the expectations. They treat high school students as if they were adults, there is no room for anything other than work. You are expected to work as fast and efficiently as possible and not doing so results in individuals losing out on hours to those who are faster. This constant competition forces people to put forth lots of effort and is exhausting at times. But these are all good things at the same time, you discourage laziness and encourage good work ethics that can be carried through your entire working career.
Is there any advice/tips you would like to give to high school students interested in working at a grocery store?
Understand that it is a job that requires effort, but as long as you are willing to put forth the work, it will be an amazing experience. You will develop so many skills that you would not obtain just attending school. And you also get the opportunity to learn about how the real world functions…and you learn about and taste foods that you would have never known existed.
All in all you should look into working at the grocery store Westborn. The great environment with the highest quality groceries.

Hello people! My name is Ava Hines, I am an entertainment editor in The Spectator! I’m a junior and this is my third year in journalism. I joined journalism...