Univeristy of Michigan’s Ideal Continued Interest Letter


*The following article is a satire
On January 28th, 2023, the fated University of Michigan’s early application decisions were released. BHS was all a buzz with the seniors’ anticipation of whether or not they would get into the college. By the end of the school day, everyone will either be celebrating their admission or dreading even applying in the first place. For the dreaded deferred students, their admissions process isn’t over (and will seemingly go on forever) because of the ill-fated “Continued Interest Form.” A way for the admissions advisors to see more from their applicants, this form makes the admissions process stretch until March. To ease the worries of deferred students everywhere, here are sample continued interest essays from two Michigan high school seniors.
Hello, Michigan University admissions! Even though I have been recently deferred from your fine institution, I am still very much interested in continuing my application for the graduating class of 2027. In the time between when I first applied and now, I’ve been pretty chill and less busy than in previous semesters. I’ve continued my 5.0 GPA and had straight A’s in my 6 AP classes that I have this year. My responsibilities as president of the Debate Team, Drama Club, Model UN, and NHS have continued as scheduled. In these roles, I’ve already directed both of our school shows completely on my own, run our NHS chapter by myself, and won the Debate Championship for the third time in a row (if only I had joined freshman year, it might have been four!). Being captain of the basketball, lacrosse, and swim teams at my school has kept me quite busy, though. Shooting three-pointers after three-pointers every day can really take a lot out of a person. The business that I founded, which sells purses made out of denim from jeans, was featured on Shark Tank! What an honor that was! Mark Cuban is a great guy, and he’s already helped with our revenue so much. Finally, my research project with my best friend has been going along pretty well. We are getting even closer to finally finding the cure for cancer and an AI to compete with ChatGPT. And I know what you must be thinking: those things have nothing to do with each other! Well, we always love a good challenge (and by we, I mean me). Thank you so much for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing back from you!
So as you can see, there really is nothing to be afraid of. The college admissions process can be really daunting, but just remember that if a school doesn’t recognize you for the amazing person you are, then that’s their loss!