Diversity Council Senior Standout – Naomi Chimovitz


Diversity Council (DC) is a class that plans school events relating to social justice and inclusion. Naomi Chimovitz joined DC during her junior year, making this year her second in the class. Chimovitz’s passion for DC is palpable, and its impact on her life is clear. “If I didn’t take it, I don’t know what other elective I would have done”, she stated. Chimovitz spent her first year helping plan, but has taken on heavier event responsibilities this year. She hosted a DC Talk this past winter to educate students about Hanukkah’s history and importance. Additionally, she currently handles all of the class’ finances. Chimovitz feels that DC has given her a greater understanding of what it takes to be inclusive, saying that “[the class] helped me understand that including everyone doesn’t just mean planning an event around them or with them in mind, it also means talking to them and hearing their stories: truly knowing their culture is important”. One of her favorite DC memories was staying late to decorate the halls for Black History Month last year. Chimovitz’s advice for students interested in joining DC is to apply! She also emphasized the importance of putting yourself out there in both the application interview and the class. “It’s a place where conversations occur around the room all the time, but if you aren’t a part of them, you don’t get to learn as much or feel as much a part of the community. The more you push yourself to participate, the more you start feeling like you’re a part of the crew”, she explained.