Q: What career path are you interested in pursuing in the future?
A: I am interested in pursuing something involving environmental science or studies. I am really passionate about the Earth, and I grew up watching prominent environmental issues, so since I was a child, I’ve wanted to make a difference.
Q: Which high school teacher impacted you the most?
A: Mr. Duffy really impacted my high school experience. The material that I learned in his Hhonors 11 class was unlike no other. He was very passionate about the curriculum. He really pushed me as a student to ask more questions and invest myself in the unit.
Q: If you could, what do you wish that you could tell your freshman self?
A: I would tell my freshman self to pay more attention in class, join more clubs, and to not stress too much about school because high school is going to go by so fast.
Q: What is most exciting or nerve- wracking about college approaching?
A: I am planning to go to school out of state, so it will be exciting to live somewhere I have never lived before. A, but at the same time, it is very scary because I won’t have the comfort of my mom being nearby, and it might take me a little to adjust to a new environment.
Q: What is one thing that makes you proud to be a Berkley Bear?
A: I love that the school is on a pathway of improvement. Every year, they are prioritizing student interests and constantly trying to improve things. I also am proud that we have unconventional classes such as the Bear Pod and Peer to Peer which is unlike any other school.
Q: What is one study technique that has helped you in high school?
A: Something that has really helped me is keeping a planner for literally everything. I get my homework done as soon as I get home from school and try to plan how long it will take me to do work by the minute. This has kept me on top of my assignments and the planner allows me to never forget about something that I haveshe’s to get done. I always feel prepared.
Q: Do you like attending Berkley sporting events? If so, which sport is your favorite?
A: I like to attend soccer and football games. Though we might not always play well, I do love dressing up for the games and socializing with fellow students. At games I am able to get rowdy, and I always have a fun time.