On Thursday, January 11, the Berkley girls’ basketball team hosted the Rochester Falcons in the west gym and won 35-15.
The starting lineup, including Senior Maeve Nolan, Juniors Hailey Kirkwood and Madi Bonsall, and Sophomores Nadia Watt and Blessing Nweke, took the court at seven o’clock in the evening. Rochester took the lead after scoring the first basket three minutes into the game. After six minutes, Berkley called a timeout to talk about how they were currently playing. Bonsall received a free throw after Rochester committed a foul, making the score 1-2. As Bonsall prepared to take her second shot, Nweke got taken off the court by Sophomore Caleigh Tracey. After Bonsall scored the second throw, the score was tied at 2-2. The score quickly changed to 2-4 putting Rochester in the lead, ending the first quarter.
In the second quarter, Nolan, Kirkwood, Tracey, Watt, and Junior Avery Weingarden made their way out to the court. Two minutes in, Watt was replaced by Sophomore Katelin Sills, and a minute later, Nweke replaced Tracey and Bonsall replaced Nolan. They started out the game a little shaky at first, with a score of 2-8, but then Bonsall made an outstanding shot from the corner after Weingarden passed to her, bringing the score to 4-8. Afterwards, Nolan subbed off Kirkwood who made a great pass to Bonsall who scored a layup setting the score to 6-8. Later Kirkwood came back on the court taking off Sills. After that, Nolan then made a shot tying up the score to 8-8. With the score at 8-10, and Berkley down 2 points, Watts subbed off Nolan. Kirkwood then made a free throw setting the score to 9-10. Then Watts made her first 3-pointer of the game putting the Bears in the lead before halftime with a score of 12-10. What a comeback, Bears!
At the start of the 3rd quarter, the original starting lineup headed out. Nolan immediately scored a 3-pointer from a pass from Bonsall, bringing the score to 15-10. With some great passing,the ball made its way to Kirkwood, who scored her first 3-pointer of the game also. She then proceeded to score another point with a layup. Berkley had an amazing possession and scored again with a great goal from Blessing. As Rochester regained possession, Kirkwood made a great interception and dribbled down the court. As Bonsall dribbled her way down the court she missed her shot but made it up by passing to Kirkwood who proceeded to score once again. As Rochester started to get mad the game starts to get a little more physical and they proceed to miss their shots, maintaining their 10 points. Blessing then makes 1 out of 2 shots during her free throws. Junior, Lily Larson-Wolbrink subbed off Weingarden. From the bench, Berkley cheered as Nolan came close to scoring another 3-pointer. Berkley then ends the 3rd quarter with a significant 25-10 lead.
Starting the 4th quarter of the game, Rochester got the first point, but the Bears didn’t back down. Rochester proceeded to miss one of their free throws and made one of them. Bonsall won the ball back for the Bears and dribbled down the court through the majority of the team. Watt got yet another 3-pointer for the Bears. Afterwards, Watt got a layup. Bonsall, on a roll, scored yet another fantastic shot. Moments later, Senior Kate McAllister subbed off Kirkwood and Senior Chloe Harmon subbed off Watt. To finish the game, McAllister got a pass from Tracey and scored an amazing 3-pointer. Then, the whistle blows and the game ends 35-15.
This season the girls’ basketball team has had a record of 6-3.
Berkley Girls Best the Rochester Falcons
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Isabelle Stephenson, Copy Editor
Hi, I’m Isabelle Stephenson and I’m the Copy Editor of the Spectator with Scarlett Buick. This is my second year in Journalism, and I joined writing for publication because I enjoy writing articles on topics that I think are interesting and enjoy making the pages for the printed out articles. I play soccer on DCFC and for Berkley, so one of my favorite articles to write about are sports articles and features on athletes at Berkley. I’m most excited to explore the position of Copy Editor with Scarlett and being able to experience writing for publication with a much bigger class. My favorite donut from Donut Cutter is strawberry frosted!