Q: What do you think are the big differences so far between Freshman and Sophomore year of High School?
A: The workload in my classes. For example, I have homework in AP Gov and Econ, but I didn’t have homework in history last year. However, this year I don’t have any homework in math, which is really good. The classes are a bit harder, but not too much harder, I would say compared to freshman year. I’d also say that a couple are easier like Honors English and Algebra II, which is a similar level of difficulty compared to geometry, in my opinion.
Q: What has been your favorite class you have taken so far in high school?
A: My favorite class to take so far in high school has probably been either AP Gov and Econ or marketing. I enjoy the challenge of AP Gov and Econ, but I like my marketing class a lot and also the content in the class.
Q: Would you recommend taking the AP or Honors classes to incoming students?
A: If they’re smart and hard working, then I would say yes, take Honors and AP. AP classes, while it may be more work, benefit you a lot. I would also say don’t take an AP class just because everyone else is taking it because you may not be that good at it. I wouldn’t recommend taking too many of the AP classes, unless you’re really sure you can handle the workload. For example, I play sports. I’m a three season athlete; I play soccer, basketball, and track. I feel if I was taking more than just one AP class and one honors class, it’d be too much for me to handle.
Q: What is your favorite restaurant and why?
A: My favorite restaurant is probably one in Troy called Taco Tienda. It’s a little locally owned restaurant and it looks really shady on the outside, but when you go in, it’s actually really nice and the food is absolutely amazing, and they also never mess up whenever I get it in person.
Q: What career are you interested in looking into?
A: The career I’m looking into is in finance. I’ve always enjoyed economy stuff and also TV shows including Shark Tank, so I want to go into finance.
Q: What is your biggest hot take?
A: My biggest hot take is that candy really sucks and it’s not that good, and it is overrated.
Bears of Berkley: Sophomore, Josh Bhagwan
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About the Contributor

Jordan Serlin, Sports Editor
Hi everyone! My name is Jordan Serlin, and I have the role of the Co-Sports editor. This is my first year on staff, and I decided to join writing for publication because I love to write and more specifically write about my interests! I am interested in writing stories that involve sports in the Berkley community and National sports stories. In my free time I am always watching sports, playing tennis, or hanging out with my friends. I’m most excited about looking into things in the Berkley community and investigating and writing about them. My donut cutter donut of choice is the classic glazed!