Students Weigh-in on Virtual Class Schedule
BHS students share their thoughts on the many different aspects of the new school schedule in a virtual environment.
With many changes in our lives due to COVID-19, there are now new normals, such as online school. For the online curriculum at BHS, students are engaged with their work through zoom calls and Schoology. Although most students prefer in person schooling, students are slowly adjusting to the new methods of school by learning to accept the new way of obtaining education and realizing that it is the safest and best option at the moment.
In general, students like in person school better than virtual. Like the rest of us, Senior Kaili Osborne is adjusting to online school, but she seems to like in person more. Osborne states, “Looking at a computer screen all day can be very tiring, and I definitely like in person so much more because I feel like I can learn much better in a classroom setting since you are able to interact with other students more effectively.” Most students agree with Osborne. Junior Ilan Runinkevich also seems to be managing virtual learning, but he believes there is room for improvement. Runinkevich explains that, “In person school is better because I can get a hold of teachers easier if I need help. The internet crashes during virtual school, and it stresses me out because I could be missing out on important details.” Osborne and Runinkevich are both good students, and find that online school is not as effective as it would be in person.
The change was especially difficult for freshmen, given that the transition to high school is a large change to begin with. According to freshman Jamie Hertzberg, “I didn’t think my first year of high school would’ve been virtual, but I’m not necessarily upset. I would rather have had my first year in person, so I could experience what it is like to be in an actual high school setting, and attend football games, and other big school events for my first year.”
On the bright side, some students find that virtual learning has its benefits. Sophomore Megan Melvile finds the positive in online school. She says, “I enjoy the alternating days, the later start time, and earlier end time because I feel more relaxed and less tired at the end of each day.” Students also enjoy learning in an environment that they are more comfortable in. Junior Brooke Bommarito says, “I enjoy online for certain aspects such as being at home. I also enjoy not having to get ready for the day. I can just work in my pajamas or my comfortable clothes.” High School students typically don’t like to get ready, and they like to be lazy and comfortable online is perfect for staying home in your most comfortable clothes in a cozy setting.
Overall, there are many positive and negative aspects to both online and in person. Sophomore David Rolands states that there is no way of winning when it comes to school. “Even though some people might think online is better, everyone complains about school no matter if it is online or in person.” When we are in person students complain about the days feeling so long, and they wish they were home. Now that we are home doing online, students wish they were at school. Online is less interactive and some might like that, while in person is more hands on which some people might prefer.

Hello people! My name is Ava Hines, I am an entertainment editor in The Spectator! I’m a junior and this is my third year in journalism. I joined journalism...