Berkley High School has recently been struck with devastating news: Mr. Weingarden is retiring. For over three decades, generations of BHS students have had the pleasure of being in the class of this legendary math teacher. One could not think of the math department and not think of Mr. Weingarden. For over three decades, he has been the cornerstone of the math department. Between contributing his time and dedication to Berkley’s math department and forming relationships with students throughout the years, he has made an impact on thousands of students.
Since Mr. Weingarden currently teaches two different math classes, he had the opportunity to teach some students twice. This allowed him to form relationships with Berkley students over their four-year careers. Not only has Mr. Weingarden learned a lot about the students, but the students have learned a lot about him. Students seem to know a lot about him, and there is only one way to confirm this… WELCOME TO MR. WEINGARDEN TRIVIA!!!
The four contestants participating in today’s game show are seniors Jacob Friedman, Sam Niyo, Lucy Pugh, and Ella Hesano. These four students have all had Mr. Weingarden at least twice and claim to know the most about him. Today, we will determine who knows Mr. Weingarden the best. The contestants will be asked a series of questions about Mr. Weingarden, and whoever gets the most correct WINS!
Now, let’s get the show started!
Question 1: How many years has Mr. Weingarden been teaching at BHS?
Jacob: 30
Sam: 35
Lucy: 27
Ella: 31
The correct answer is… 31! Mr. Weingarden shared, “The friendly students, teachers, and parents are a big reason I stayed at Berkley for 31 years, really just the overall amazing community.” When asked what his favorite memory was, he explained, “I have so many memories I can’t choose a favorite but I did participate in the student-staff basketball game!” Mr. Weingarden has had a wonderful 31 years here at BHS.
Question 2: What college did Mr. Weingarden attend?
Jacob: Michigan State
Sam: Michigan State
Lucy: Michigan State
Ella: Michigan State
The correct answer is… Michigan State! All contestants knew that one well!
Question 3: What classes has Mr. Weingarden taught at Berkley?
Jacob: AP Calc AB, Algebra 2, Geometry, and Precalculus
Sam: AP Calc AB and Algebra 2
Lucy: Precalculus, Algebra 2, and AP Calc AB
Ella: Calc AB, Algebra 2, and Precalculus
Unfortunately, none of the contestants were able to answer this question to its full potential. The correct answer is… AP Calc AB, Precalculus, Algebra 2, Geometry, and Algebra. Mr. Weingarden has taught most of the math classes at BHS. When asked which class was his favorite to teach, he answered, “AP Calc AB because I’ve had most of the students for more than one year, it’s nice to have them again.” He continued, “I’ve worked really hard on that class so it’s nice to see them shine on the exam and see them before they graduate.”
Question 4: What sport does Mr. Weingarden consider his sport?
Jacob: Tennis
Sam: Tennis or bowling
Lucy: Tennis
Ella: Tennis
The correct answer is… Tennis! Although Mr. Weingarden also bowls, tennis is HIS sport!
Question 5: Where did Mr. Weingarden grow up?
Jacob: He went to Southfield Lathrup for high school, so I’m assuming Southfield.
Sam: I have no clue.
Lucy: Farmington Hills
Ella: Southfield
The correct answer is… Southfield!
Question 6: How many kids does Mr. Weingarden have, and what is/are their name(s)?
Jacob: He has three kids, Jack who is a senior at North Farmington, a daughter at Michigan, and a son at Michigan State.
Sam: He has one, Jack.
Lucy: I know he has a son that’s a senior, he has two sons and a daughter
Ella: He has three kids named Jack, Ryan, and Caitlin
The correct answer is… Three kids: Caitlin, Ryan, and Jack! Being a teacher is an important job, just like being a parent! Mr. Weingarden shared that being a parent shows him “how hard [his] kids worked in school, so [he] tries to take that to his students.”
Question 7: What does Mr. Weingarden decorate his classroom walls with?
Jacob: Math puns or jokes
Sam: Posters
Lucy: Senior pictures from past students, inspirational quotes
Ella: Senior pictures and his favorite math quotes
The correct answer is… Senior photos! Although he does decorate his walls with other things, senior pictures take up most of the walls and it is a unique aspect he added to his classroom! Mr Weingarden shared that the photos date back to “‘97 or ‘98.” He continued, “People gave me their senior photos, and people put them on the board, and it was something I just kept up with.”
Question 8: What is Mr. Weingarden’s best bowling score?
Jacob: 250
Sam: 220
Lucy: 252, I was going to say 215 though.
Ella: 280
The correct answer is… 215! This is a tough question and although these students may not know it, I know others do!
Question 9: What does Mr. Weingarden plan to do after retirement?
Jacob: He plans to help out his dad and his girlfriend’s parents.
Sam: He plans to take care of his parents.
Lucy: He is going to take care of his dad and spend time with his girlfriend and he’s going to tutor.
Ella: He is going to tutor, play tennis, and take care of his family.
The correct answer is… He plans to tutor, travel, and stay active! Mr. Weingarden shared, “I also plan to play lots of tennis and pickleball.” In the past, he tutored kids from other schools, and he will continue to do that but now he can tutor BHS students as well. This is exciting news for our community! He further explained his travel plans, “I don’t have any set plans of where I am going to travel yet.” He has exciting, relaxing, and fun years ahead!
All contestants did their best and seemed to know Mr. Weingarden extremely well. With that being said, each student did amazing and created a competitive game. Although each contestant knows a lot, the winner is… ELLA HESANO! Hesano is extremely grateful for Mr. Weingarden’s work at BHS, she shared, “[He made me] realize how much some people genuinely have a passion for their job and it’s possible to find your calling.” Although Hesano is graduating this spring, she explained that she is “sad about him leaving [because] other students won’t be able to take classes with him.” She continued, “He was the best teacher I’ve EVER had and it’s sad that he won’t be able to impact more students the way he did to me.” It is clear that Mr. Weingarden has made his mark at BHS.
Everyone is so thankful for the work Mr. Weingarden has done here at Berkley, and even though BHS is sad to say goodbye, we wish Mr. Weingarden luck in retirement!