Bears of Berkley – Junior Aliya Siddiqi



Q: What is your favorite school club, activity, or elective? What makes it your favorite?
A: French because I’ve taken it since 7th grade, and I’ve spent a lot of time learning it. I also went to France with my family.
Q: What career path are you interested in pursuing in the future? At this point in your life, why are you interested in it?
A: Something in Humanities or English because I’ve never been a math or science person, and I’m more interested in English.
Q: If you could go back and reassure the freshman you about something, what would it be? Why?
A: I would say not to get so stressed about grades and put too much pressure on myself because I’ve always been hard on myself about grades and school.
Q: Do you have any hidden talents or interests?
A: I really like art and photography.
Q: Which three adjectives best sum up who you are? Explain why you chose one of them.
A: Creative, compassionate, and dedicated. I am dedicated because I find something that I care about, and I put a lot of effort into it.
Q: What is your favorite comfort food and why?
A: Grilled cheese and tomato soup, because I ate it a lot when I was younger.
Q: If you could add a class to the Berkley High School, what would it be? Why do you think it would be good for BHS students to have it?
A: Art history because I think it would be very interesting for kids who are creative in art and it would be less work.