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Bears of Berkley: Sophomore, Jack Crawley

Bears of Berkley: Sophomore, Jack Crawley

Q: Do you participate in any extracurricular activities outside of school? If so, what are they? What do you enjoy most about them?
A: I play club soccer for ROFC; I enjoy playing soccer because I get to meet new people from different schools and build relationships with them over something we all enjoy playing. It also builds teamwork and a social aspect outside of just hanging out with people.

Q: What is one study technique that has helped you so far in high school? When have you used it and to what effect?
A: The most helpful study tool I have used is probably Quizlet because you can use the study option, and it reviews things for you. It also has you type out a definition or give you multiple choice questions, so you can really memorize what you need to know. I use Quizlet for a majority of my classes when I need to memorize something quickly or study.

Q: If you could ask a senior one question, what would you ask? Why?
A: I would ask what is the biggest thing not to overlook in high school? Since they have had the whole high school experience, I want to know what they cherished and took their time with.

Q: Who is your favorite teacher? And why? What is one aspect of this teacher’s class or teaching style that you enjoy?
A: My favorite teacher is Ms. Nixon because she is a very nice, open teacher, and she makes it comfortable to ask her any questions. She is always there if a student needs support whether it’s with someone’s personal life or school life. She is also one of those teachers who goes above and beyond to make sure that all students understand what is being taught, making sure that they are in the right place mentally and physically.

Q: What career path are you interested in pursuing in the future? Why? What do you imagine would be rewarding or fulfilling about this career?
A: I am interested in engineering because both of my parents are in the automotive industry. I am very fascinated by cars, and I see it as a very reliable job. I am also interested in the medical field because I think it would be very interesting. I am into science and anatomy, and I think it would be interesting to go out there and save lives while gaining knowledge.

Q: Right now, are there any colleges you are interested in attending? What interests you about these colleges?
A: I am very interested in the University of Michigan and Michigan State University because they are both big-time schools, and they are very close to home. Purdue University is also a school I am interested in because I am very interested in engineering, and they have a very good engineering program.

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