Ryan Rubenstein – Junior Jumpstart Monday

Q: Who is your favorite teacher?

A: Mr. Meacham. I have him for AP Psychics this year, and he really tries hard to make everyone happy and tries to help students succeed.

Q: What is your favorite school subject to learn about?

A: My favorite subject is math. This year I’m in Calc AB.

Q: Do you have an idea of what classes you want to take next year?

A: I don’t really have an idea of my classes for next year. I do know that I’m going to take Calc BC though.

Q: What is one perk of being an upperclassman?

A: One perk is watching my friends play their sports. I’ve always loved going to school sports events and this makes them more fun.

Q: Do you participate in any extracurricular activities outside of school? If so, what are they?

A: One activity I do outside of school is basketball.

Q: What is one thing that makes you proud to be a Berkley Bear?

A: We’re #1 in the state for soccer right now which is super cool!

Q: Do you like attending Berkley sporting events? If so, which sport is your favorite?

A: Yes, soccer is my favorite.

Q: If you could ask a senior one question, what would you ask?

A: I’m not sure… I’d probably ask what are good classes to take next year.

Q: Describe your ideal school day.

A: An ideal day for me would include having no tests or quizzes, all of my classes would be pretty chill, and I would go out to lunch with friends.

Q: If you had an infinite amount of money, what would you do?

A: If I had an infinite amount of money, I would go places and buy a bunch of stuff.

Q: Do you have any hidden talents or interests?

A: I’m in computer science this year and it’s made me pretty interested in computer science and coding.

Q: Do you have any words of advice for underclassmen?

A: I would tell underclassmen to not make your sophomore or junior year harder than it needs to be. Take classes you like, instead of what you think you should be taking.